1.   Nephrogenous cAMP was also calculated by subtracting the filtered fraction from total urinary cAMP.

2.   Biliary recovery of the compounds was calculated by subtracting the amounts of biliary PABA measured without HCl hydrolysis from those with hydrolysis.

3.   Specific binding at each concentration was calculated by subtracting the cpm in the presence of excess IFN from the cpm without excess IFN.

4.   This can be calculated by subtracting the sum of all the free energies of the reacting substances from the sum of the free energies of the reaction products.

5.   A deficit or surplus was calculated by subtracting the percentage of respondents who gave a very negative rating from those that gave a very positive rating.

6.   A negative reading indicates a slowdown, because the index is calculated by subtracting the percentage of respondents reporting less business from the percentage reporting more.

7.   Net favorability was calculated by subtracting the unfavorability rating from the favorability rating received for each candidate.

8.   The business confidence index, based on a survey of business managers, is calculated by subtracting negative responses from positive ones.

9.   The confidence indexes, based on a survey of business managers, are calculated by subtracting negative responses from positive ones.

10.   The construction survey is calculated by subtracting the percentage of respondents who are expecting a decrease in new orders, employment and prices from those who foresee an increase.

v. + calculate >>共 17
subtract 43.75%
multiply 15.00%
divide 13.75%
compare 8.75%
take 2.50%
use 2.50%
add 1.25%
analyze 1.25%
balance 1.25%
compute 1.25%
subtract + v. >>共 8
calculate 70.00%
compute 16.00%
derive 4.00%
expense 2.00%
find 2.00%
leave 2.00%
measure 2.00%
set 2.00%
每页显示:    共 35