1.   Any other indication of document content, such as classification notation or alphabetical subject headings, are partial representations of content.

2.   The logical arrangement of subject headings in this section of the research proposal tends to follow the logic of the research process.

3.   We organized all the recipes under different subject headings.

4.   GeoRef assigns more subject headings for each record, and so has potentially higher recall by subject search.

5.   Within sub-disciplines, the theses are arranged geographically and by geological age, so that the numbers of Scottish theses within his subject headings can be extracted.

6.   To the left is an outline of the document, with abbreviated subject headings.

7.   With a few clicks, he can open a window on a computer screen and see the senders, recipients and subject headings of each message.

8.   Catalogers supervised by historians watch every interview and index the contents, assigning subject headings and key words.

9.   Items on the agenda should be defined, rather than have broad subject headings.

n. + heading >>共 172
chapter 4.75%
convoy 3.73%
train 3.73%
subject 3.05%
team 2.37%
confidence 2.03%
bus 1.69%
vehicle 1.69%
force 1.36%
position 1.36%
subject + n. >>共 151
area 27.40%
line 6.85%
heading 2.47%
knowledge 1.64%
category 1.64%
field 1.37%
assessor 1.37%
course 1.37%
specialist 1.37%
adviser 1.10%
每页显示:    共 9