1.   But more subject assessors operating in the same cognate group leads to the need for more induction and training.

2.   How would you become a subject assessor?

3.   Intensive Subject Assessment Have you had a subject assessor visit recently?

4.   Then you are ready to undertake duties as a fully-fledged subject assessor.

5.   Membership of the Group included subject assessors, representatives from colleges, schools, commerce and the inspectorate.

n. + assessor >>共 17
tax 44.90%
city 10.20%
subject 10.20%
poll 4.08%
quality 4.08%
risk 4.08%
bomb-damage 2.04%
borough 2.04%
claim 2.04%
damage 2.04%
subject + n. >>共 151
area 27.40%
line 6.85%
heading 2.47%
knowledge 1.64%
category 1.64%
field 1.37%
assessor 1.37%
course 1.37%
specialist 1.37%
adviser 1.10%
每页显示:    共 5