1.   The main assumption, below, is that various inferences from style may suggest different levels of stylistic affinity.

2.   As a result, it is now possible to consider the stylistic affinities of over one hundred mosaics within a basic chronological context.

3.   This, again, indicates the possibility of a more specific stylistic affinity between these pavements.

4.   This suggests some further stylistic affinities for the North Leigh mosaic, which supplement those already observed between the Lion and Stag and Cupids mosaics.

5.   Almost all of those mosaics with saltire or Orpheus designs suggest more specific stylistic affinities than can be considered in this section,.

6.   This is precisely the degree of stylistic affinity which is missing when one compares the Orpheus mosaics of Withington and Newton St. Loe.

7.   The high degree of stylistic affinity maintained between the pavements from Woodchester, Barton Farm and Stonesfield does suggest the work of much the same group of craftsmen.

8.   Other patterns do provide, however, an opportunity to recognize such integral stylistic affinity.

a. + affinity >>共 119
special 9.76%
natural 5.05%
strong 5.05%
stylistic 4.04%
particular 3.70%
cultural 3.03%
great 2.36%
greater 2.36%
a 2.02%
specific 2.02%
stylistic + n. >>共 210
difference 6.63%
affinity 3.46%
change 3.46%
choice 1.73%
flourish 1.73%
analysis 1.44%
approach 1.44%
range 1.44%
understanding 1.44%
variation 1.44%
每页显示:    共 12