1.   For they will be playing on a course designed by the great Jack Nicklaus in a stunningly beautiful setting.

2.   At other times, she was stunningly beautiful.

3.   But above all, the assurance that the trail wound through stunningly beautiful country.

4.   But they often have stunningly beautiful cases that some people adore.

5.   For two hours Saturday night, the athletic and stunningly beautiful entertainer screamed, jumped and sang her heart out.

6.   For another, the amazing reappearance of the intimate, stunningly beautiful Church of Our Lady of Kazan.

7.   I do think the stunningly beautiful Donna Reed is marvelous as Mary Bailey.

8.   I once sat at a fancy dinner next to a stunningly beautiful movie star.

9.   Majorca, the lush, mountainous island of Spain, is one of those stunningly beautiful places that are best known for who slept there.

10.   Much of that Snoqualmie Pass land is stunningly beautiful, high alpine country that is great for hiking and camping but not as valuable as timberland.

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