1.   This requires that the student understands the terms used, especially technical terms.

2.   Because of the steps involved, last-minute requests are tough to fill, a fact that deaf students understand but still resent.

3.   Advocates for victims have been surprised by how poorly students understand dating violence.

4.   All students understand and appreciate their worth as unique and capable individuals and exhibit self esteem.

5.   But despite their youth, these San Pedro Marine Science Magnate High School students understood the significance of their task.

6.   But if the students do not understand what they are missing, the parents and educators understand all too well.

7.   But the curriculum does not guarantee students will understand how important King is, said Howard Taylor, a Georgia State University assistant professor of social science education.

8.   College students will understand, right?

9.   Gauch tried her best to make her students understand that most of the people who died in the buildings and the airplanes were innocent victims.

10.   He said he had gotten excellent evaluations three years in a row and then was told by his supervisors that students did not understand his accent.

n. + understand >>共 675
people 12.54%
child 2.80%
player 2.64%
investor 1.79%
public 1.79%
fan 1.75%
scientist 1.44%
company 1.40%
side 1.40%
student 1.16%
student + v. >>共 919
be 10.57%
say 4.47%
have 3.98%
take 2.79%
learn 2.10%
get 1.44%
go 1.25%
do 1.10%
come 1.02%
use 1.02%
understand 0.16%
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