1.   An entrance exam guides students into one of four academic tracks, ranging from highly gifted to remedial.

2.   Divide the students into groups and distribute the materials.

3.   Divide the students into groups and pass out the jars and the small items.

4.   Dividing students into small groups usually helps facilitate discussion.

5.   The third level takes students into advanced studies.

6.   This sharing of power through incorporating students into the administration of an undergraduate program is highly unusual in academic settings.

7.   They divided the students into three manageable groups.

8.   They herded the students into the auditorium.

9.   She welcomed the students into her home.

10.   By using an appropriate context this grouping could be used to direct students into the specific sciences.

n. + into >>共 1506
investigation 5.70%
way 2.65%
money 1.80%
ball 1.00%
research 0.81%
troop 0.77%
move 0.76%
people 0.69%
incursion 0.67%
country 0.61%
student 0.15%
student + p. >>共 71
at 24.33%
in 22.63%
from 16.35%
with 7.23%
to 4.59%
on 4.24%
for 3.46%
about 1.77%
as 1.62%
into 1.34%
每页显示:    共 135