1.   Students chanted slogans equating Le Pen with Adolf Hitler and calling his National Front a fascist organization.

2.   A few hundred students chanted anti-American slogans Saturday although the march was peaceful.

3.   About two dozen students chanted slogans and held up banners Tuesday outside the Ministry of Finance as Summers met senior Indonesian officials about the IMF bailout.

4.   About two dozen students chanted slogans and held up banners outside the Ministry of Finance on Tuesday as Summers held talks with senior Indonesian officials about the IMF bailout.

5.   Students chanted anti-government slogans and burned tires in the streets, which were empty of all vehicles except police armored personnel carriers and jeeps.

6.   Students chant and throw eggs at cars.

7.   Students chanted slogans and held up banners denouncing SLORC and ASEAN.

8.   The students chanted slogans demanding the reunification of Cyprus, sang patriotic songs and attended a concert before dispersing.

9.   The students chanted slogans condemning the system of selecting the vice chancellor, describing it as undemocratic, reports said.

10.   The students chanted slogans demanding that the United States reveal the truth about the suppression of the civil uprising by South Korean martial law troops.

n. + chant >>共 110
fan 12.62%
crowd 12.14%
demonstrator 9.76%
protester 8.10%
priest 3.57%
monk 3.33%
supporter 2.86%
student 2.62%
people 2.38%
thousand 2.14%
student + v. >>共 919
be 10.57%
say 4.47%
have 3.98%
take 2.79%
learn 2.10%
get 1.44%
go 1.25%
do 1.10%
come 1.02%
use 1.02%
chant 0.06%
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