1.   Student assemblies, cafeterias, and libraries provided a semi-institutional network within which radical ideas and literature could circulate.

2.   Angry that the group was receiving far less financing than other organizations, he and friends campaigned to pack the student assembly with Asian-Americans.

3.   A Tucker, Ga. high school student assembly about the flag is shown, with featured speaker Martin Luther King III.

4.   He said student assemblies would be held at the school this morning about student responsibility and safety.

5.   Her appearance among a parade of civic leaders bestowing awards at the student assembly suggested Knight has gained halting acceptance in Yelm, if not respectability.

6.   How much does it matter that you will not participate in intercollegiate sports, the school newspaper or the student assembly while away?

7.   The House moved closer on Monday to voting on a bill that would allow school districts statewide to have a prayer at commencement exercises and voluntary student assemblies.

8.   The passion that led Smalley to his science-world celebrity began at a Southwest student assembly just after the Soviets launched the Sputnik satellite.

9.   We practiced a bunch of songs that we would sing in an upcoming student assembly.

10.   It was used for student assemblies and village concerts.

n. + assembly >>共 200
school 9.17%
government 7.68%
city 6.18%
fuel 4.26%
tail 2.56%
student 2.56%
morning 2.13%
car 2.13%
wheel 1.92%
loyalist 1.49%
student + n. >>共 1027
leader 6.41%
protest 5.51%
body 4.69%
group 4.56%
protester 3.54%
demonstration 3.01%
activist 2.84%
visa 2.17%
performance 1.92%
achievement 1.86%
assembly 0.17%
每页显示:    共 12