1.   A stuck zipper.

2.   Public service television commercials show an imported car breaking down or a stuck zipper on an imported dress turning romance into comedy.

3.   Stuck zippers will be the cream pies of the future.

4.   Tom Hanks popped up in another show in a brief bit about an embarrassingly stuck zipper.

a. + zipper >>共 48
stuck 6.45%
plastic 4.84%
industrial 3.23%
front 3.23%
big 3.23%
copper 3.23%
broken 3.23%
open 3.23%
surgical 3.23%
stubborn 3.23%
stuck + n. >>共 72
throttle 15.32%
pig 3.60%
zipper 3.60%
antenna 2.70%
latch 2.70%
pin 2.70%
motorist 1.80%
door 1.80%
bit 1.80%
midway 1.80%
每页显示:    共 4