1.   The structures provide a measure of vertical relief sought by deep-sea invertebrates that make their living off particles in the water column.

2.   Ancient inhabitants may have built dikes, they say, and the structures could provide valuable clues about this early civilization.

3.   For real estate operators, the REIT structure provides tremendous access to capital, through either the stock market or private lenders.

4.   Funded by a state grant, these six-foot-high structures provide a safe haven of crevasses for fish to hide from natural predators.

5.   Such a structure would provide more coordination, better management of resources and more accountablity of intelligence gathering efforts, Graham said.

6.   Spruced up, the structures provide exhibit space for artists like Bob Powitz, who works with driftwood, and Jane Hackett, who paints.

7.   The new structure provides that business in Europe, Asia and Latin America will be run from Switzerland, while American operations will be run from Texas.

8.   The structure of plants provides hints to their drought tolerance.

9.   Paul Sheldon, chief executive of Surrey, said the new structure would provide a more competitive edge.

10.   In fact, the new levy structure provides a good opportunity for timber merchants to diversify their activities and move away from their dependance upon just one product.

n. + provide >>共 1658
company 4.80%
government 3.29%
law 1.57%
report 1.52%
program 1.33%
bill 1.32%
official 1.24%
agreement 1.18%
system 1.03%
state 0.96%
structure 0.08%
structure + v. >>共 350
be 36.15%
have 3.50%
allow 2.18%
remain 1.78%
make 1.45%
change 1.32%
give 1.12%
become 1.12%
collapse 1.06%
provide 0.99%
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