1.   Bonds rose on the back of a stronger krona, which increases the attractiveness of krona-denominated assets.

2.   A lower number on the index indicates a stronger krona.

3.   A stronger krona means earnings in foreign currencies translate into fewer kronor.

4.   A stronger krona reduces the value of profits made abroad when earnings are translated into kronor.

5.   A stronger krona and accompanying decline in interest rates and bond yields makes Swedish investments more attractive.

6.   A stronger krona can reduce the rate of inflation and producer prices by lowering import costs and export income.

7.   A stronger krona means earnings in foreign currencies give fewer kronor when repatriated to Sweden.

8.   A stronger krona means sales made in foreign currencies translate into fewer kronor.

9.   A stronger krona means that Electrolux products are more expensive abroad.

10.   A stronger krona reduces the value of foreign currency income when it is converted to kronor.

a. + krona >>共 14
swedish 48.89%
stronger 27.41%
weaker 10.37%
weak 2.96%
norwegian 2.22%
strong 2.22%
danish 0.74%
falling 0.74%
higher 0.74%
relative 0.74%
stronger + n. >>共 1016
dollar 14.86%
yen 5.33%
growth 2.70%
economy 2.49%
currency 2.37%
action 2.06%
position 2.06%
tie 1.74%
demand 1.63%
measure 1.61%
krona 0.54%
每页显示:    共 37