1.   Assuming licensees and magistrates act sensibly in seeking and granting approval, I can not see any strong objection to this.

2.   Parents at the school have voiced strong objections to the closure.

3.   This has provoked strong objections, mainly from military types and religious groups.

4.   Local residents raised strong objections to the building application.

5.   The USA had earlier informed Israel of its strong objections to the deportations.

6.   Nether Wyresdale Parish Council have asked me to express their strong objection to the proposed closure and to urge you to do all in your power to prevent it.

7.   Police all over the country are known to want the DNA register, but civil liberty champions are raising strong objections.

a. + objection >>共 315
strong 8.71%
russian 3.45%
israeli 2.33%
moral 2.25%
serious 2.10%
main 1.95%
strenuous 1.95%
major 1.73%
similar 1.65%
religious 1.58%
strong + n. >>共 840
wind 3.45%
support 2.77%
demand 2.65%
growth 2.23%
dollar 2.21%
opposition 1.79%
economy 1.75%
performance 1.51%
earnings 1.50%
sale 1.43%
objection 0.28%
每页显示:    共 115