1.   One of them was a strikingly beautiful woman in her mid-thirties.

2.   And it has its strikingly beautiful moments.

3.   A couple of years ago, two strikingly beautiful Indian women brought home to an ecstatic nation the titles of Miss World and Miss Universe, a double first.

4.   Central High still is a strikingly beautiful building, presiding over a crumbling neighborhood.

5.   Horses that had the genetic defect were strikingly beautiful, and many became champions.

6.   In the forest, everything that is strikingly beautiful is sinister.

7.   Last year Nugroho directed a series of strikingly beautiful voter education ads financed by the U.S. government.

8.   One strikingly beautiful lichen is named not for what it may possibly cure, but for what it killed.

9.   Redwood, cedar and other woods are suitable for building decks, and they can be strikingly beautiful, but they tend to be expensive.

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