1.   At least then she would know that the oyster skiffs were within striking distance of the shore.

2.   Besides, we might be within striking distance of the well, a place to camp if necessary.

3.   For photographs, however, we are still outside striking distance for quality.

4.   Let us assume that a cat stalks a duck until it gets within striking distance.

5.   Their troops had advanced to within striking distance of the town.

6.   Verona, Garda, Riva, and Torbole are all within easy striking distance.

7.   We are within striking distance of our goal.

8.   The snake was within striking distance.

9.   In March the EPRDF began an advance through Shoa province which took it to within striking distance of Addis Ababa on several occasions by mid-year.

a. + distance >>共 530
short 13.45%
long 8.25%
striking 7.45%
walking 6.86%
safe 5.88%
great 3.99%
greater 2.54%
driving 1.86%
same 1.83%
longer 1.77%
striking + n. >>共 701
worker 11.36%
distance 8.21%
player 3.13%
resemblance 2.54%
example 2.18%
contrast 1.82%
employee 1.76%
pilot 1.73%
feature 1.63%
similarity 1.63%
每页显示:    共 251