1.   Amy was struck dumb.

2.   I was told it was Duart was struck dumb.

3.   Once again I was struck dumb by the mystery of the world.

4.   One edged remark, and she would be struck dumb.

5.   She was struck dumb with terror.

6.   When he arrived at the scene of the disaster, he was struck dumb with horror and amazement.

7.   I was struck dumb by this and had to think it over for a moment.

8.   We were all struck dumb for a minute.

9.   As for those who survived, they were too often struck dumb.

10.   Even the Clinton administration, struck dumb while a far-reaching bill barreled through the House, finally found its voice.

v. + dumb >>共 6
strike 80.77%
call 3.85%
consider 3.85%
keep 3.85%
make 3.85%
render 3.85%
strike + a. >>共 66
rich 41.31%
dumb 8.11%
hard 5.02%
close 3.86%
lucky 3.09%
big 2.70%
deeper 1.93%
dead 1.93%
closer 1.54%
early 1.54%
每页显示:    共 21