1.   It stretches your resources and endangers your ability to continue and to invest in new opportunities for your business.

2.   Many libraries have found that their financial resources are stretched to the limit.

3.   Our resources are stretched to breaking point.

4.   Resources are stretched to the limit and, unless some one helps, the country will be awash with tears on Christmas morning.

5.   With a hundred thousand new people in the area, city resources are stretched.

6.   The drought there is stretching American resources.

7.   I understand that the police resources are stretched, but a greater police presence in the town would go some way to discourage this sort of attack.

8.   The police say the operation, costing some two hundred thousand pounds, stretched their resources to the limit.

9.   At best police resources are stretched.

10.   Bush painted a picture of a depleted military and talked about soldiers on food stamps, low recruitment and stretched resources.

v. + resource >>共 419
have 14.23%
use 6.24%
lack 4.92%
devote 4.17%
pool 4.11%
allocate 2.72%
provide 2.56%
share 1.62%
divert 1.62%
put 1.59%
stretch 1.52%
stretch + n. >>共 496
leg 5.70%
lead 4.26%
arm 4.20%
resource 2.94%
truth 2.88%
exercise 2.19%
defense 1.75%
limit 1.63%
single 1.57%
hit 1.57%
每页显示:    共 47