1.   Both funds kept their heads above water by stretching the definition of technology.

2.   But other members of Congress seemed prepared to stretch the definition of what belonged in the bill.

3.   But time has stretched that definition to the limit.

4.   Calling Charon a moon, rather than a junior partner in a coalition, is thus stretching the definition of moonhood.

5.   Similar shifts from the direct to the oblique pervade the show, stretching the definition of each chapter and its contents.

6.   The singers Sandra St. Victor and Marc Anthony Thompson stretch the definition of soul.

7.   There are many ways that luxury decontrol could be expanded, some of which would, arguably, stretch the definition of luxury.

8.   There were great collaborations by Stravinsky and Balanchine, and ballets that stretched the definition of the art, pushing dancers to extremes in speed and balance.

9.   This one stretches the definition of potpie.

10.   When God is in the details, those details are probably artistic in some way, though the definition can be stretched pretty far.

v. + definition >>共 191
fit 7.91%
meet 6.87%
broaden 6.72%
expand 6.42%
change 5.67%
have 3.28%
use 3.13%
include 3.13%
provide 2.09%
narrow 2.09%
stretch 1.49%
stretch + n. >>共 496
leg 5.70%
lead 4.26%
arm 4.20%
resource 2.94%
truth 2.88%
exercise 2.19%
defense 1.75%
limit 1.63%
single 1.57%
hit 1.57%
definition 0.63%
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