1.   And all at once a strange sensation came over him.

2.   As we looked at each other I had a strange sensation.

3.   But as we looked at each other I had a strange sensation.

4.   I feel a little curl of strange sensation working its way down from the bottom of my spine.

5.   It was a strange sensation to have them on - more intimate than sleeping with his widow.

6.   The drug can produce strange sensations in some patients.

7.   She had the strange sensation that someone was watching her.

8.   She was gripped by something else, a truly strange sensation.

9.   And as his fingers clasped hers, a strange sensation had shot through her, as though with that handshake he had branded her forever.

a. + sensation >>共 340
burning 7.92%
overnight 6.29%
tingling 3.15%
singing 2.17%
teen 2.17%
national 1.95%
teenage 1.95%
new 1.84%
physical 1.63%
strange 1.63%
strange + n. >>共 1145
thing 6.76%
way 3.81%
bedfellow 3.28%
place 1.87%
noise 1.74%
land 1.54%
twist 1.46%
sound 1.29%
man 1.26%
time 1.01%
sensation 0.38%
每页显示:    共 15