1.   In the winter, people go to their favorite beachfront inn and sit in rockers before fireplaces and watch the storms rage outside.

2.   The louder the storm rages, the more they will be convinced of their own purity and zeal.

3.   Telecommunications may be disrupted briefly and the northerly night skies will shimmer red and green this weekend as intense storms rage on the sun, scientists say.

4.   The thing is not to be petrified into despair and inaction while the economic storm rages.

n. + rage >>共 112
road 35.28%
air 8.89%
debate 7.78%
day 3.89%
war 3.61%
battle 2.78%
fashion 1.67%
fire 1.39%
year 1.39%
storm 1.11%
storm + n. >>共 225
system 23.70%
drain 6.86%
surge 6.50%
damage 5.92%
warning 5.13%
front 3.32%
victim 2.82%
hit 2.53%
watch 2.46%
shelter 2.02%
rage 0.29%
每页显示:    共 4