1.   It is important to store pressed material flat, away from direct sunlight and as free from dust as possible.

2.   As a part of the agreement, TRW will plead guilty in state and federal court to felony counts of unlawfully transporting and storing hazardous materials.

3.   Avoid storing collection materials on the floor, where they are more likely to be damaged by insects and rodents or water leaks.

4.   He said he would oppose any proposal to store the materials in the Hudson Valley area.

5.   In the past, such waste generators often stored materials temporarily while awaiting transport to the dump.

6.   Initially, some Energy Department officials were not enthusiastic about storing the material in the United States.

7.   Most records would be kept electronically, doing away with the need for giant warehouses to store the material.

8.   Most records would be retained electronically, doing away with the need for giant warehouses of files to store the material.

9.   Other money will go to storing nuclear material, or blending it into fuel for power plants.

10.   Prosecutors charged Mihalko with one felony count of storing hazardous materials without a permit.

v. + material >>共 878
use 6.31%
contain 3.96%
include 2.20%
carry 1.90%
provide 1.90%
distribute 1.84%
produce 1.64%
find 1.64%
remove 1.52%
sell 1.43%
store 0.61%
store + n. >>共 614
datum 6.61%
information 6.61%
waste 3.17%
water 2.90%
weapon 2.37%
amount 1.74%
food 1.61%
file 1.56%
energy 1.52%
material 1.52%
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