1.   Defense attorneys had appealed to the court to stop the broadcast, but were overruled.

2.   U.S. troops seized control of state television and radio to try to stop propaganda broadcasts by the Haitian military and its allies.

3.   A television station was shut down after militiamen threatened technicians, stopping the broadcast of a U.N.-produced program on the progress of vote counting.

4.   Already, the Koreas have stopped propaganda broadcasts to each other and agreed to reopen border liaison offices.

5.   As part of the summit deals, North and South Korea stopped propaganda broadcasts across the DMZ.

6.   But the report cited unidentified sources as saying the broadcasts were stopped by government order, presumably in light of parliamentary elections in November.

7.   Government radio and TV stopped regular broadcasts for the moment of silence.

8.   He said he would order the broadcasts stopped and shut down operators if they fail to comply.

9.   Kuttab said the Palestinian Authority apparently wanted to stop the broadcasts from the council by jailing him.

10.   MED-TV was forced to stop its broadcasts in July after the Polish satellite company cancelled its contract under pressure from Turkey.

v. + broadcast >>共 225
monitor 5.57%
watch 4.56%
make 3.80%
stop 3.54%
ban 2.91%
receive 2.53%
jam 2.28%
hear 2.28%
begin 2.15%
see 2.03%
stop + n. >>共 1227
car 3.21%
attack 3.20%
violence 2.50%
fight 1.86%
work 1.65%
people 1.50%
traffic 1.18%
flow 1.15%
run 1.13%
vehicle 1.12%
broadcast 0.17%
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