1.   There was one large stone farmhouse, outside which a small dark-haired girl was playing with some kittens by an empty farm-cart.

2.   A refugee from New York had bought and painstakingly restored an old stone farmhouse, furnishing it with locally scavenged antiques.

3.   For several years the Ashleys and their four children lived nearby, in a stone farmhouse overlooking a valley near the village of Llanwnog.

4.   Here and there are stone farmhouses and barns, occasionally the ruins of an ancient church or castle.

5.   His pension is healthy enough to finance a stone farmhouse in Falls Church, Va.

6.   Instead, she helped to restore the soil of her farm, build a stone farmhouse and outbuildings and plant an organic garden.

7.   On the way out, we passed the old stone farmhouse, beautifully kept after two centuries.

8.   Others are buying medieval stone farmhouses.

9.   Our path passed by an abandoned stone farmhouse, called Dogole, which was rapidly being reclaimed by the forest.

10.   Over ramparts and across frozen tarns, menacing rock fields and lovely Alpine meadows dotted with balconied stone farmhouses whose second and third stories are of wood.

a. + farmhouse >>共 131
old 19.01%
stone 4.58%
abandoned 3.87%
isolated 3.17%
small 2.46%
restored 2.11%
nearby 1.76%
remote 1.76%
yellow 1.76%
white 1.76%
stone + n. >>共 624
wall 12.16%
thrower 6.73%
house 3.58%
building 3.38%
tool 2.55%
floor 2.11%
fireplace 1.68%
step 1.64%
dust 1.47%
structure 1.47%
farmhouse 0.44%
每页显示:    共 13