1.   At times, when that vulnerability seeps through, it seems as if her stoic demeanor must surely crack.

2.   Before the trial began Friday morning, Woodward briefly lost her stoic demeanor and began crying.

3.   His stoic demeanor convinced Calipari, who wanted to believe that Williams could shrug off the injury.

4.   Salzman said Mills, despite the stoic demeanor that she presented in court, was deeply distraught over the fatality.

5.   Pak took some hits from the media and fans for her stoic demeanor early in the season.

6.   And Simpson, elegant in a gray suit and print tie, struggled to maintain a stoic demeanor.

7.   As Darden castigated him, Simpson, elegantly attired in a gray suit and print tie, struggled to maintain a stoic demeanor.

8.   Duval and Webb could pass as siblings on the golf course with their wraparound shades and stoic demeanors.

9.   Romanian star gymnast Gina Gogean, who made a name with impeccable routines and stoic demeanor, has officially retired from competition, a news agency reported Saturday.

10.   Simpson, elegant in a gray suit and print tie, struggled to maintain a stoic demeanor.

a. + demeanor >>共 259
calm 5.13%
quiet 3.23%
public 2.47%
low-key 2.28%
serious 2.28%
cool 2.09%
stoic 1.90%
gentle 1.52%
unflappable 1.52%
casual 1.52%
stoic + n. >>共 125
demeanor 5.10%
expression 5.10%
face 4.59%
man 4.08%
front 2.55%
approach 2.04%
calm 2.04%
appearance 1.53%
dignity 1.53%
indifference 1.53%
每页显示:    共 10