1.   And what of the Marital relationship, how much meaning and importance does this still have for the partners?

2.   Build around them and still have a playoff team.

3.   Now, the plunder has turned to billions, the Swiss still have it and Clinton has the same uncomfortable question.

4.   Often he was in retreat, and his reluctance to stand in with Gonzalez at the end seemed to confirm the questions some in boxing still have about him.

5.   Stocks like Microsoft, Qualcomm and Ciena, which still have high price to earnings multiples despite big drops this year, led the Nasdaq composite index lower.

6.   IN the realm of computer role-playing games, there exists four series of CRPGs that reigned supreme and till now still have a large following.

a. + have >>共 380
nuclear 4.19%
long 3.02%
even 2.68%
united 1.84%
the 1.68%
chinese 1.17%
french 1.01%
case 1.01%
still 1.01%
well 1.01%
still + n. >>共 402
camera 5.06%
undecided 4.18%
photograph 3.21%
are 2.82%
photo 2.82%
lifes 2.72%
picture 2.72%
photographer 2.63%
image 2.53%
need 2.53%
have 0.58%
每页显示:    共 6