1.   We have already taken steps to implement the key recommendations of the Woolf report on the future of our prisons.

2.   After some initial reluctance, the Seoul government is taking steps to implement the IMF conditions, which will cause widespread bankruptcies and higher unemployment.

3.   On paper, the group took few concrete steps to implement social goals.

4.   Anwar said the council decided that all states and local authorities should take steps to implement interim agreements with the consortia for the northern, central and southern regions.

5.   Habibie has taken steps to implement democracy, freeing some political prisoners and allowing banned magazines to reopen and political parties to form.

6.   He said the next step should be implementing such a program in the major leagues.

7.   In Asia, Singapore and the Philippines have taken steps to implement the system.

8.   NATO has said the air campaign will continue until it is convinced that the Belgrade government is taking verifiable steps to implement the accord.

9.   Palestinians welcomed the U.S. call for a state and urged the United States to take steps to implement the vision.

10.   The Palestinians want Israel to halt settlement construction and carry out the long-delayed pullout before they take further steps to implement the autonomy accord.

n. + implement >>共 187
government 19.80%
company 6.26%
owner 5.08%
country 4.74%
state 3.05%
side 2.71%
authority 2.20%
step 2.20%
agency 1.86%
leader 1.52%
step + v. >>共 801
be 31.70%
improve 2.27%
protect 2.05%
include 1.86%
prevent 1.81%
ensure 1.80%
make 1.70%
reduce 1.42%
help 1.23%
forward 1.02%
implement 0.19%
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