1.   From this stemmed the rise in illegitimacy.

2.   A government package designed to stem the rise of the yen in April failed to impress traders.

3.   German unions are becoming more flexible, sometimes sacrificing wage rises and benefits, in a bid to stem the rise in joblessness.

4.   He said the recent growth came because the central bank was forced to buy dollars with rubles to stem a rise in the ruble.

5.   Investors had hoped the revision would clear a channel for underground money to flow into the financial system and stem a rise in interest rates.

6.   Jinro was yesterday selected by the association of Korean commercial banks as the first beneficiary of an accord designed to stem a rise in business failures.

7.   Over the years, NBA efforts to stem the rise of salaries have failed.

8.   Similar remarks by Mitsuzuka a week ago were taken as a sign Japan would not move to stem a rise in the dollar against the yen.

9.   That could translate into something of a political windfall for the Clinton administration, which is under pressure to stem the rise in gasoline prices.

10.   The Clinton administration expedited the sale, saying it hoped the extra oil on the market would depress prices and stem a rise in gasoline prices at the pump.

v. + rise >>共 423
give 28.14%
attribute 6.70%
lead 3.55%
see 3.18%
follow 2.78%
fuel 2.22%
offset 1.76%
expect 1.64%
show 1.61%
cause 1.54%
stem 0.77%
stem + n. >>共 296
flow 14.58%
tide 9.43%
loss 5.95%
violence 4.41%
decline 3.88%
spread 3.28%
flood 2.74%
slide 2.21%
inflation 2.07%
rise 1.67%
每页显示:    共 25