1.   And stealth aircraft can still be seen in daylight.

2.   Authorities in Belgrade claimed that Serbian air defenses had shot down the radar-evading stealth aircraft, one of the most advanced weapons in the U.S. arsenal.

3.   But private military experts say that under the right conditions, stealth aircraft can be detected in a variety of ways, including with certain radars.

4.   Despite the use of cruise missiles and stealth aircraft, there is a significant risk of NATO planes being shot down by Yugoslav defenders.

5.   George Bush stormed the desert of Kuwait with hundreds of thousands of soldiers, high-tech missiles and the latest stealth aircraft.

6.   Lightweight fiber composite like those now used in stealth aircraft, for instance, may replace the metal now used in rocket in fuel tanks and valves.

7.   Moreover, the merger would bring together the only two defense contractors with experience producing radar-evading stealth aircraft.

8.   Owls are the original stealth aircraft, dropping silently, talons at the ready, onto their prey.

9.   Richard Aboulafia, a defense and aerospace expert with the Teal Group in Fairfax, Va., said the Russians have little interest in developing a stealth aircraft.

10.   Sen. John W. Warner, R-Va., speaking on the Senate floor Monday, proposed that stealth aircraft not be flown at air shows.

n. + aircraft >>共 227
fighter 10.11%
reconnaissance 7.16%
transport 6.72%
surveillance 5.76%
passenger 4.94%
jet 3.39%
government 3.25%
attack 3.03%
cargo 2.44%
fixed-wing 2.36%
stealth 1.77%
stealth + n. >>共 101
fighter 10.65%
bomber 10.65%
technology 10.27%
aircraft 9.13%
plane 4.56%
pilot 3.42%
design 3.04%
attack 2.28%
capability 2.28%
candidate 1.52%
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