1.   Observers interpreted the merger as an attempt to halt the steady decline of the communist vote in Finland.

2.   In contrast patients subjected to sclerotherapy showed no early mortality but a steady decline in survival in the first two years.

3.   All of this was happening alongside the steady decline of the Luftwaffe which did not enjoy our operational tour scheme and rest periods.

4.   Farmers here are trying to shrug off the legacy of communism and collective farming which caused the steady decline in agriculture and Don Powell has come to their aid.

5.   Although they could agree on little else, members of both parties agreed the impeachment clash coincided with the steady decline of American political standards.

6.   Among Hispanics, meanwhile, there will be a steady decline.

7.   And the Tyndall Report, which tracks coverage of different types of stories on all the networks, has found a steady decline in foreign stories used.

8.   Another sign of strength has been a steady weekly decline this spring in the number of people making first-time claims for unemployment benefits.

9.   Bowery lodging houses, which were typically walkups with a bar on the ground floor, have been in steady decline since the end of World War II.

10.   A final change is that federal funding for science is in a steady decline.

a. + decline >>共 513
sharp 9.92%
recent 5.47%
steep 4.96%
further 4.32%
economic 3.59%
overnight 2.80%
steady 2.59%
biggest 2.21%
sales 2.11%
first 1.82%
steady + n. >>共 818
stream 12.62%
growth 5.92%
rain 4.28%
flow 3.52%
decline 2.68%
increase 2.42%
diet 2.36%
supply 2.12%
job 1.94%
progress 1.88%
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