1.   For statistical comparison, the non-parametric Wilcoxon signed rank test for paired observations was used.

2.   All statistical comparisons have therefore been made on logarithmically transformed data.

3.   Statistical comparison between response and the pretreatment variables was made by logistic regression.

4.   A positive response from the buyer and reference to an objective statistical comparison by the seller effectively seals the sale.

5.   Also, the number of flights by fledgling carriers is so much smaller than that of major airlines that statistical comparison is even more difficult, they said.

6.   But while data show that wealth is more equitably distributed in Japan, the government there has not released enough detailed information to make statistical comparisons possible.

7.   Statistical comparisons aside, Bryant and the Lakers now understand that the Eastern Conference, while trailing in glitz, does not lack grit.

8.   The center used statistical comparisons to grade the states on how well they do in providing undergraduate education in public and private colleges and universities.

9.   The games are played based on statistical comparisons.

10.   The statistical comparisons the Mariners can stand.

a. + comparison >>共 360
direct 6.90%
inevitable 5.18%
international 3.56%
historical 1.94%
unflattering 1.83%
constant 1.73%
apt 1.51%
statistical 1.51%
such 1.40%
better 1.29%
statistical + n. >>共 425
analysis 7.27%
heat 5.31%
sampling 3.63%
method 3.58%
evidence 3.41%
category 2.57%
datum 2.57%
significance 2.46%
office 2.35%
technique 2.18%
comparison 0.78%
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