1.   Mr Milburn said the new statistics also revealed a disturbing trend towards long-term unemployment.

2.   STATISTICS released yesterday reveal that the continuing fall in the number of horses in training is now jeopardising the future of the entire racing industry.

3.   The shock statistics reveal a sharp rise in drug abuse of all kinds among teenagers over the past two years.

4.   Although crime statistics reveal that Austin is not a particularly violent community, it has its share of rapes.

5.   Climate statistics reveal a relationship between warm early Novembers and the winter that follows.

6.   Census statistics further reveal that Hispanics tend to have distinct consumption patterns.

7.   Despite the increasing popularity of cremation, statistics reveal a widely varying demography of disposition.

8.   Economic statistics do not reveal the struggles of people like Susan DeGraeve-Dupra.

n. + reveal >>共 1133
test 5.77%
investigation 4.80%
survey 2.51%
official 2.31%
autopsy 2.29%
report 2.20%
study 2.00%
examination 1.80%
police 1.64%
company 1.55%
statistic 0.53%
statistic + v. >>共 299
be 28.05%
show 16.70%
suggest 4.84%
indicate 3.53%
tell 2.60%
include 1.53%
say 1.40%
have 1.21%
reveal 1.12%
bear_out 1.12%
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