1.   Government crime statistics indicate that the murder rate is falling.

2.   Official statistics indicate that educational standards are improving.

3.   The following statistics indicate the present position.

4.   Economic statistics indicated that the government had made some progress in its diversification plans.

5.   The statistics indicate a reasonable level of explanation for a difference equation.

6.   And U.S. Department of Transportation statistics indicate that the few Mexican long-haul trucks allowed in the United States have performed well, Cuellar said.

7.   And while statistics indicate a drop in crime in the state during the last four years, the polls show that many people remain fearful.

8.   Anyway year-end statistics indicate record sales are in the tank.

9.   At the same time, police statistics indicate that conviction rates have fallen steadily each of the past five years.

n. + indicate >>共 1373
report 10.25%
poll 7.03%
official 5.80%
study 3.65%
record 2.21%
survey 2.17%
evidence 1.89%
result 1.86%
research 1.73%
test 1.67%
statistic 0.79%
statistic + v. >>共 299
be 28.05%
show 16.70%
suggest 4.84%
indicate 3.53%
tell 2.60%
include 1.53%
say 1.40%
have 1.21%
reveal 1.12%
bear_out 1.12%
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