1.   The statement listed a series of general commitments following on from or developing the aims of the previous five-year plan.

2.   The statement listed the members of the State Committee for the State of Emergency, formed to run the country and effectively exercise the state of emergency.

3.   His March statement listed several factors that led him to his decision.

4.   In any modern organization, financial statements list assets and liabilities so that managers know what bills have been incurred but not yet paid.

5.   That statement lists the steps in arriving at a new science curriculum and said the process normally took a year.

6.   The proxy statement also lists procedural matters that must be submitted to the shareholders for a vote.

7.   The statement lists a phone number to call.

8.   The statement listed two shareholder resolutions that will be voted on at the meeting.

9.   Medical personnel on the base pronounced Ruiz dead Sunday morning, and a statement listed the cause of death as apparent stab wounds.

10.   The Jewish Hospital statement did not list a cause of death for the latest patient.

n. + list >>共 567
report 5.47%
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sidebar 1.50%
ship 1.50%
book 1.43%
document 1.37%
record 1.37%
guide 1.17%
statement 1.17%
statement + v. >>共 289
say 46.35%
be 10.21%
come 3.49%
add 3.10%
give 2.26%
make 1.80%
call 1.17%
follow 1.15%
indicate 0.96%
mention 0.89%
list 0.17%
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