1.   In true body-building style, the effects are cumulative so start your routine now!

2.   With children it is important to start this routine at an early age.

3.   Dixie has shown me the circuit, today I start the routine.

4.   At that time, Hogan started a routine that he would continue for the rest of his life.

5.   But when do you start a routine?

6.   He started a routine of chemotherapy and radiation in February and finished the regimen in mid-April.

7.   He left the course, caught a two-hour nap and then started the routine all over, though with even better results.

8.   He warms up lefthanded when he starts his pre-round routine at the practice range.

9.   Miss one, and start the routine over.

v. + routine >>共 213
change 5.86%
have 5.09%
do 4.17%
perform 4.01%
know 3.70%
disrupt 3.24%
follow 2.93%
alter 2.62%
begin 2.31%
start 1.85%
start + n. >>共 911
game 5.00%
fire 4.25%
work 3.52%
talk 3.01%
business 2.41%
negotiation 1.85%
career 1.82%
season 1.74%
program 1.52%
process 1.29%
routine 0.08%
每页显示:    共 12