1.   Frankie stared through the banisters, willing the kitchen door to open.

2.   He sat, a wine cup clenched firmly in his hands, as he stared through a window into the gathering darkness.

3.   He stared ahead through the windscreen, his hands clasped in his lap, and she started to drive again.

4.   I felt the heat hit my face as I stared through the opening with narrowed eyes.

5.   I noticed her hanging around the bar, staring through its window, while I ate my fish and potatoes.

6.   I stared through the bleak darkness.

7.   Lois made a monocle and stared through its center.

8.   Marian stared through the window.

9.   Shannon rolled on to her back, staring through tear-glazed eyes at the ceiling.

10.   She stared ahead through the windscreen with unseeing eyes.

v. + through >>共 930
continue 3.35%
work 2.78%
make 2.76%
cut 2.67%
spread 2.40%
push 1.57%
suffer 1.38%
last 1.12%
play 1.11%
sell 1.09%
stare 0.13%
stare + p. >>共 40
into 30.41%
down 23.35%
in 16.09%
from 5.23%
through 3.26%
out_of 2.72%
with 2.65%
off 2.58%
across 2.44%
for 1.90%
每页显示:    共 48