1.   Standard duplicate biopsy specimens were taken from the proximal limb, the anterior wall, the posterior wall, and the body of the reservoir.

2.   The sensitivity of the other tests, however, is less than that of the standard biopsy related tests and their specificity is even lower in chronic NSAID users.

3.   This study shows that the sensitivity and specificity of three commercial serological tests are lower than those of the standard biopsy related tests.

4.   In conclusion, this study has evaluated the efficacy of four commercial serological tests in comparison with standard biopsy related tests.

5.   Investigation including imaging and a standard percutaneous liver biopsy, which showed congestion, some necrosis, but no fibrosis, confirmed the clinical diagnosis of venous outflow obstruction.

a. + biopsy >>共 85
liver 8.88%
endoscopic 6.25%
intestinal 5.92%
gastric 5.59%
mucosal 5.26%
small 4.61%
antral 4.28%
surgical 2.96%
duodenal 2.96%
colonic 2.63%
standard 1.97%
standard + n. >>共 1744
procedure 4.11%
practice 3.65%
equipment 3.15%
treatment 2.06%
feature 1.74%
fare 1.68%
bearer 1.46%
test 1.14%
form 1.12%
repertory 1.01%
biopsy 0.09%
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