1.   From the start, Clinton developed his plan in Democrats-only secrecy, and he has made it clear he was staking his presidency on this issue.

2.   He has staked his presidency on passing a health-care bill, and he will happily accept a lousy bill over the alternative of no bill at all.

3.   Let him find something else to stake his presidency on.

4.   Zedillo staked his presidency on moving Mexico to a more open political system.

5.   Pastrana staked his presidency on promises to negotiate peace with both the ELN and the larger Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia.

6.   Pastrana staked his presidency on the peace process and in his speech insisted that the three-year-long talks had not been wasted.

7.   Pastrana staked his presidency on the peace process, and in his speech insisted that the three-year-long talks had not been wasted.

v. + presidency >>共 315
win 20.91%
seek 6.49%
assume 5.32%
hold 4.74%
lose 3.05%
leave 2.60%
claim 1.56%
resign 1.43%
take 1.36%
eliminate 1.10%
stake 0.45%
stake + n. >>共 76
claim 59.74%
future 6.05%
reputation 4.73%
career 2.08%
life 1.70%
winner 1.32%
fortune 1.32%
credibility 1.32%
presidency 1.32%
prestige 1.32%
每页显示:    共 7