1.   Walls are stacked to the ceiling with lampshades in all sizes and shapes.

2.   Boxes of army berets and combat helmets are stacked to the ceiling.

3.   Boxes of Chinese crockery are stacked to the side.

4.   A few kids press their bodies and faces into the humongous speakers, which are stacked to the ceiling.

5.   By the fourth inning, the wood was stacked to the roof.

6.   Engine cowlings and wing tips are stacked to the ceiling.

7.   Shops tend to be stacked to the gills, and Dollhouse Treasures is no exception.

8.   The cash is stacked to the roof, like so much inventory in a warehouse.

9.   When we arrived, we found a large room next to the crematorium in which hundreds of bodies were stacked to the ceiling.

10.   File cabinets, carefully labeled to mark career phases for her and John Lennon, are stacked to the ceiling.

a. + to >>共 706
open 6.79%
up 5.87%
guilty 4.74%
loyal 4.12%
important 3.80%
prior 2.70%
able 2.07%
next 1.97%
likely 1.65%
difficult 1.33%
stacked 0.02%
stacked + p. >>共 35
in 28.63%
on 21.16%
in_favor_of 8.30%
to 5.39%
like 4.98%
against 4.56%
at 3.73%
near 2.49%
from 2.07%
on_top_of 2.07%
每页显示:    共 13