1.   It would be very tricky to try to stabilize the region without the support of other countries.

2.   A resolution of the basic issues at stake in Kashmir is the only sure way to stabilize the region.

3.   Administration officials say a pipeline along this route would help stabilize the region and serve long-term U.S. interests.

4.   Albright replied that an enlarged NATO would help stabilize the region.

5.   But a serious Western plan of stabilizing the region is still feasible.

6.   Camdessus said he hoped the loans to South Korea would help stabilize the region.

7.   In announcing the change, the administration insisted that selling the weapons would help stabilize the region and bolster the transition to democracy.

8.   NATO expansion has stabilized the region.

9.   Rain-cooled air left in the wake of the complex will stabilize this region, perhaps shielding it from severe storms later in the day.

10.   Soviet troops and weapons have withdrawn, and new border accords have stabilized the region as new trade routes have opened along the old Silk Road.

v. + region >>共 622
visit 8.10%
leave 4.85%
hit 3.58%
tour 3.05%
destabilize 2.51%
flee 2.31%
dominate 2.12%
affect 1.95%
plague 1.86%
control 1.83%
stabilize 0.79%
stabilize + n. >>共 280
economy 10.81%
market 9.42%
price 8.37%
currency 5.84%
situation 3.49%
rupiah 2.88%
country 2.79%
region 2.44%
peso 1.83%
ruble 1.74%
每页显示:    共 28