1.   Ladle the hot soup into warmed bowls and sprinkle each serving with a portion of the cheese.

2.   Spoon the tomato compote directly onto the fish and sprinkle each serving with lemon juice.

3.   Sprinkle each serving with mint.

4.   Sprinkle each serving with the reserved walnuts.

5.   Sprinkle each serving with chopped parsley.

6.   Sprinkle each serving with currants and almonds.

v. + serving >>共 55
garnish 20.86%
top 12.95%
have 7.19%
eat 4.32%
sprinkle 4.32%
place 3.60%
do 2.88%
recommend 2.88%
equal 2.16%
get 2.16%
sprinkle + n. >>共 406
top 6.48%
cheese 4.22%
water 2.46%
sugar 2.36%
mixture 1.57%
flour 1.47%
side 1.47%
salt 1.47%
speech 1.47%
chicken 1.28%
serving 0.59%
每页显示:    共 6