1.   The warm weather this spring has certainly helped the farmers.

2.   The fruit tree seemed to blossom overnight once the warm spring weather arrived.

3.   Arizona Republic Garden writer Thomas Ropp confirms that this is an outstanding tomato year because of the mild spring weather we have enjoyed so much.

4.   At the start of each April, major-league baseball challenges the caprices of early spring weather, with opening day scheduled at several stadiums in northern states.

5.   Biologists have attributed the decline of the migrants to hunting and unfavorable spring weather in the northern breeding grounds.

6.   A number of Canadian oil and gas producers this year have had trouble meeting their production targets because poor spring weather kept them out of remote areas.

7.   A short season because of the variables of spring weather in New England.

8.   Additionally, cool spring weather delayed the snow melt, causing water temperatures to be much colder than usual and increasing the chance of hypothermia.

9.   Both states are expected to be hurt in coming months by the rainy spring weather, which flooded some farm fields for the third year in a row.

10.   Buyers may also be staying away, Gordon said, because of cold, wet weather this spring.

n. + weather >>共 149
winter 35.17%
summer 12.02%
spring 9.37%
weekend 5.73%
week 3.09%
harvest 2.21%
year 2.21%
fall 2.21%
time 1.65%
crop 1.32%
spring + n. >>共 1442
training 29.03%
practice 3.17%
day 1.94%
season 1.65%
election 1.32%
rain 1.29%
water 1.16%
game 1.04%
weather 1.00%
collection 0.86%
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