1.   Alternatively, you can use an electric spice grinder.

2.   A day in advance, turn rice into a powder in spice grinder or blender set at high speed.

3.   Cool, then grind in a spice grinder.

4.   For cinnamon, a spice grinder, an electric coffee grinder reserved for spices or a mortar and pestle will do the trick.

5.   Grind all the ingredients to a powder in a spice grinder or coffee grinder reserved just for spices.

6.   Grind in spice grinder.

7.   Grind the seeds in a spice grinder or blender.

8.   Grind in a mortar or with a spice grinder.

9.   Grind in spice grinder or mortar.

10.   Grind remaining juniper berries in a spice grinder, or pulverize with a mortar and pestle.

n. + grinder >>共 28
meat 30.77%
spice 20.19%
sausage 7.69%
bench 5.77%
pepper 5.77%
stump 2.88%
angle 1.92%
coffee-bean 1.92%
food 1.92%
nut 1.92%
spice + n. >>共 97
mixture 12.35%
mix 9.57%
grinder 6.48%
rack 5.25%
blend 4.63%
bag 4.32%
trade 3.70%
rub 3.40%
mill 2.16%
shop 2.16%
每页显示:    共 21