1.   Apply coarse nose down trim with each attitude change and as the speed increases.

2.   If no data has actually been written to disk in the meantime, further speed increases are gained.

3.   And depending on how you use a PC at home, the speed increase from one of these new machines may not be important to you.

4.   Above that, it matters a great deal, because air resistance goes up exponentially as speed increases.

5.   But for most folks who run Windows, the speed increase from the Pentium Pro will be disappointing.

6.   If the wind speed increases dramatically as you move higher and the wind changes direction, chances are a tornado is forming, says Marquis.

7.   Increase the pressure and the speed increases.

8.   It promises modest speed increases for current programs but significant improvements for programs specially written for it, particularly those involving video and graphics.

9.   Since a lot of Windows programs make heavy use of the hard disk, the speed increase can be impressive.

10.   So speed increases based on megahertz come slowly.

n. + increase >>共 778
price 16.58%
tax 14.67%
rate 14.20%
wage 6.76%
pay 3.98%
salary 2.58%
fare 1.69%
capital 1.60%
cost 1.30%
production 1.27%
speed 0.23%
speed + n. >>共 323
boat 7.52%
record 6.72%
event 4.16%
race 3.89%
train 2.48%
bag 2.48%
demon 2.39%
advantage 1.86%
horse 1.77%
increase 1.77%
每页显示:    共 20