1.   It is sensible for a contractor to apply for payment for work done to a specified date to limit the amount of funding required.

2.   The specified date is not valid.

3.   This report will provide a listing of all Design Changes which have changed state since a specified date.

4.   The state field will be optional and if not specified, all DCs which have changed state since the specified date will be provided.

5.   This option allows the user to generate a report of all Design Changes within LIFESPAN which have been in a given state since a specified date.

6.   The state field is optional and if not specified, all DCs which have changed state since the specified date will be listed.

7.   A bill of exchange is a certificate whereby the issuer promises to pay a certain amount of money on some specified future date.

8.   Rather its provisions will deem the transfer to be treated as if it took place on an earlier specified date.

9.   However, some latitude is allowed if the landlord has only one opportunity to determine the lease on a specified date.

a. + date >>共 596
later 14.41%
new 8.46%
exact 7.71%
specific 4.25%
first 3.13%
future 2.50%
unspecified 2.35%
firm 2.14%
starting 1.85%
hearing 1.80%
specified 0.57%
specified + n. >>共 232
period 8.51%
time 7.25%
price 5.58%
amount 4.88%
date 4.88%
user 3.49%
number 2.79%
area 2.09%
filename 1.95%
level 1.81%
每页显示:    共 35