1.   In Britain, the opposition party is guaranteed control of a specified amount of time during legislative sessions.

2.   An exclusion clause gives the party relying on it total exemption for the breach whereas a limitation clause limits liability to a specified amount.

3.   Allotments are federal licenses to grow specified amounts of tobacco.

4.   Alternatively, sellers of equity options are obligated to buy or sell a specified amount of shares at a set price.

5.   Annuities are investments that in exchange for a lump sum promise to pay specified amounts over the life of the holder.

6.   A bilateral repo agreement is an accord to buy securities for an agreed amount of cash and sell them back at a specific date for a specified amount.

7.   A financial institution for a premium will guarantee that a utility will pay only a specified amount for gas.

8.   A quota, or allotment, is a federal license to grow a specified amount of tobacco.

9.   But under their new agreement, they are obligated only to ship a specified amount of oil along the pipeline when it is built.

10.   But you still want to let the shingles overhang by the specified amount, and to double that course.

a. + amount >>共 395
large 12.02%
small 10.95%
huge 4.43%
same 4.43%
undisclosed 3.21%
significant 2.22%
vast 2.10%
enormous 1.96%
limited 1.93%
fair 1.89%
specified 0.24%
specified + n. >>共 232
period 8.51%
time 7.25%
price 5.58%
amount 4.88%
date 4.88%
user 3.49%
number 2.79%
area 2.09%
filename 1.95%
level 1.81%
每页显示:    共 35