1.   Even to the extent of formulating new or repackaging existing products to suit specific requirements.

2.   Even if the new style forms of contract cannot be used, it is often possible to write specific requirements into existing standard forms to promote co-operation.

3.   The latter are typically transactions specially structured to meet specific requirements of issuer and investor.

4.   The rather specific environmental requirements of salt weathering mean that its action is spatially highly variable.

5.   Notes on applying for credits for Areas of Study and exemption from specific requirements of the HCIMA professional qualifications.

6.   A supervision order may include certain specific requirements which give a supervisor additional powers or require the child or person caring for him to act in a particular way.

7.   Although there was no specific statutory requirement that justices should be named, the court deduced such a requirement from the fundamental nature of the open justice principle.

8.   Many initiatives are focused on specific DRB requirements, but some are also being spread more widely around the Group.

9.   Everything was very legitimate and above board, but we had very specific requirements of what we wanted this representation to be, because it is life size.

a. + requirement >>共 700
new 6.74%
legal 5.02%
reporting 4.05%
minimum 3.52%
federal 2.98%
stringent 1.80%
such 1.74%
licensing 1.72%
strict 1.69%
specific 1.64%
specific + n. >>共 995
plan 1.90%
date 1.79%
area 1.55%
figure 1.54%
target 1.45%
proposal 1.44%
issue 1.41%
case 1.34%
number 1.33%
detail 1.26%
requirement 0.42%
每页显示:    共 61