1.   We demonstrate that the PPT element binds a sequence specific DNA binding protein.

2.   Antisense drugs are essentially short sequences of genetic code that work by preventing formation of specific proteins that cause or contribute to disease.

3.   A few drugs have already been developed to fight specific variations of a disease identified by the presence of specific proteins.

4.   Called transgenic technology, the method involves introducing copies of DNA for a specific human protein into animal cells.

5.   Called transgenic technology, the method involves introducing copies of DNA for a specific human protein into the genetic material of animals.

6.   Herceptin is a protein known as a monoclonal antibody that was genetically engineered to bind to other specific proteins.

7.   Now, Swedish and American researchers have discovered that a specific protein plays a major role.

8.   Once scientists understand the specific protein involved in a disease, they can start to look for the molecule that controls it.

9.   One specific protein stuck to the longer probe, Strittmatter said.

10.   One vaccine is prepared in a virus known as canarypox and is intended to produce specific proteins from HIV.

a. + protein >>共 404
human 4.62%
animal 4.38%
abnormal 2.31%
specific 2.31%
normal 2.23%
different 2.23%
new 1.75%
particular 1.59%
viral 1.51%
high 1.43%
specific + n. >>共 995
plan 1.90%
date 1.79%
area 1.55%
figure 1.54%
target 1.45%
proposal 1.44%
issue 1.41%
case 1.34%
number 1.33%
detail 1.26%
protein 0.20%
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