1.   Positive financial incentives in the form of specific grants from a specially established Department of Health Fund would certainly help.

2.   Statutory agencies can encourage the establishment of local ethnically focused voluntary organizations by targeting specific grant aid.

3.   From the analysis above, it would be reasonable to recommend the use of open matching specific grants for each individual service that it wanted expanded.

4.   Assume, for example, that the local authority receives a lump-sum specific grant.

5.   There is no explicit provision in the specific grant for an increase in that.

6.   Erm, we assume that there will be a similar condition for specific grants for next year.

7.   Some specific grant on the judges lodgings, the maintenance of that, payable by the Lord Chancellors Department, and so- some specific grant on emergency planning.

8.   Clinton will also renew his call for education opportunity zones, high poverty areas designated for specific federal grants for teacher training and after-school programs.

9.   Ownership depends on how a particular research contract was funded, through a broad contract or a very specific grant.

10.   Democrats want specific grants targeted at each area.

a. + grant >>共 276
federal 28.28%
state 3.61%
matching 3.11%
new 2.95%
small 2.54%
direct 1.80%
annual 1.64%
private 1.48%
first 1.48%
special 1.23%
specific 0.82%
specific + n. >>共 995
plan 1.90%
date 1.79%
area 1.55%
figure 1.54%
target 1.45%
proposal 1.44%
issue 1.41%
case 1.34%
number 1.33%
detail 1.26%
grant 0.07%
每页显示:    共 10