1.   I was able to identify specific gene factors which carry personality traits.

2.   I would like to identify some more specific genes, and understand how they work on the brain and on behaviour.

3.   Now, however, it is possible to identify specific gene components that contain the relevant hereditary information.

4.   Strictly speaking, evolution is simply a change in the frequency with which specific genes occur in a population.

5.   There is another experiment which demonstrates the presence of factors in cells that turn on specific genes.

6.   They are now working to identify the specific gene involved.

7.   Is there then a single component contained within the EHS substratum that interacts with the hepatocyte to affect specific gene expression that is missing from plastic or simple substrata?

8.   Along the way, Incyte has amassed information about thousands of specific genes that seem to be involved in cancer, heart disease and other medical conditions.

9.   Another winner shows a cross section of a mouse tongue, with regions lit up in gold where a specific gene in the mouse cells has been activated.

10.   A specific gene mutation may also confer immunity to HIV by decreasing or eliminating the number of chemokine receptors in host cells.

a. + gene >>共 599
human 9.94%
new 4.03%
single 3.81%
defective 3.26%
mutated 2.57%
same 2.44%
specific 2.19%
mutant 2.19%
different 1.80%
responsible 1.59%
specific + n. >>共 995
plan 1.90%
date 1.79%
area 1.55%
figure 1.54%
target 1.45%
proposal 1.44%
issue 1.41%
case 1.34%
number 1.33%
detail 1.26%
gene 0.35%
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