1.   In addition to these disorders, two specific enzyme defects have been reported to cause primary adult gout.

2.   These transformations are accomplished by means of stepwise reactions, each of which is mediated by a specific enzyme.

3.   Each step is controlled by a specific enzyme.

4.   At the second news conference, the hospital released three sets of specific enzyme test findings.

5.   Flawed genes result in deficiencies in specific enzymes, and the lack of those enzymes allows toxic chemicals to build up in the blood.

6.   It allowed drug companies to target specific enzymes in HIV.

7.   Researchers at Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center have identified a specific enzyme in fat cells that causes them to cluster around the abdomen.

8.   The drugs, targeting a specific enzyme that affects blood pressure, have proven to have fewer side effects than other options in the hypertension market.

9.   Unlike existing drugs, it does not inhibit specific viral enzymes.

a. + enzyme >>共 140
liver 11.78%
digestive 5.53%
pancreatic 4.33%
different 3.85%
key 2.64%
specific 2.40%
lysosomal 2.40%
metabolising 2.40%
cardiac 1.92%
industrial 1.92%
specific + n. >>共 995
plan 1.90%
date 1.79%
area 1.55%
figure 1.54%
target 1.45%
proposal 1.44%
issue 1.41%
case 1.34%
number 1.33%
detail 1.26%
enzyme 0.07%
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